คู่มือตอบคำถามจีบสาว ใน Cabaret Club เกม Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name

เกมย่อยอีก 1 เกม ที่จะให้เราตอบคำถามเพื่อจีบเหล่าสาวๆใน Cabaret Club
จะมี Cabaret Club อยู่ 2 ที่ คือในเมือง Osaka และที่ The Castle
รวมๆ แล้ว มีสาว 5 คนให้เราจีบ

เมื่อพบกันครั้งแรก หรือหัวใจขึ้นครั้กแรก จะได้ตอบคำถามพิเศษ ที่จะเพิ่มค่าหัวใจได้ถ้าตอบถูกใจสาวๆ
ระหว่างทาง เราจะได้สั่งน้ำมาดื่ม ได้เลือกตอบคำถาม 2 ข้อ และให้ของขวัญ แล้วก็จะจบรอบ
ค่าหัวใจ เมื่อขึ้นแล้ว จะคงอยู่อย่างนั้น ให้เราทำเพิ่มหรือลดได้ต่อ ในรอบต่อไป

ถ้าเราทำค่าหัวใจได้เต็มในรอบนั้น จะมีคำถามพิเศษ ซึ่งอันนี้ต้องตอบให้ดี เพราะถ้าตอบไม่ดี หัวใจก็จะไม่ขึ้น !
ซึ่งถ้าตอบคำถามตามบทสรุปนี้ ไม่ต้องสั่งน้ำแพงๆ หรือ ให้ของขวัญแพงๆก็ได้ เพราะค่าหัวใจจะขึ้นแรงมากกกกก
หรือใครอยากกินน้ำแพงๆ ให้ของขวัญแพงๆ ก็ได้เช่นกัน..

รวมถึงถ้าหัวใจเต็ม Finished แล้ว จะสามารถเลือกเล่นใหม่ ทุกค่าหัวใจได้เลย

ถ้าพร้อมแล้ว มาเริ่มไล่กันไปทีละคนเลยจ้าาาา

First Encounter — Sorry if my Japanese sounds a little weird.
ตอบ >> I can be your speaking partner.

Japanese Food — What’s your favourite Japanese dish?
ตอบ >> Sushi.

Kansai Dialect — Sometimes, I can’t understand…
ตอบ >> Sometimes even I don’t understand.

Hitting a Bottle — Do you usually drink a lot?
ตอบ >> I chug as much as I can.

Clothing of Choice — What do you wear besides suits?
ตอบ >> My birthday suit.

Hobbies — Do you have any hobbies?
ตอบ >> Karaoke.

Adventurous Palate — What new food do you think I tried?
ตอบ >> Spicy fish roe?

Pizza — Do you like pizza?
ตอบ >> Pizza gets me pumped up.

Streamers — Do you know what a streamer is?
ตอบ >> Someone who does live broadcasts online.

What to Stream — What would you stream, Joryu-san?
ตอบ >> Karaoke.

Feeling Unwell — Are you tired or something?
ตอบ >> Maybe a little.

Ladies’ Man? — You must be popular with the ladies.
ตอบ >> I suppose I am.

Chatty Drunks — Are you a chatty drunk?
ตอบ >> Only around you.

Hairstyles — What kind of hairstyle do you like on women?
ตอบ >> Long.

Talking is Nice — It’s easy to open up to you!
ตอบ >> I’d love to hear more.

Live Streaming — I got worried about people’s reactions…
ตอบ >> If you have fun, that’s all that matters.

Traveling — Do you travel a lot?
ตอบ >> I’ve been all over Japan.

Goals — What do you think my goal is?
ตอบ >> To become a legendary streamer.

Good Friends — Do you have any close friends?
ตอบ >> I have online friends.

Pick Up Lines — Do you have any pick-up lines?
ตอบ >> You’re one interesting woman.

Fighting Prowess — You’re a force to be reckoned with, huh?
ตอบ >> I’m nothing to write home about.

Date Destinations — Where would you take me on a date?
ตอบ >> We’d start at my place.

Too Much Alcohol — I might’ve had too much to drink…
ตอบ >> Your face does look a little red.

Being Cheated On — What would you do if a girl cheated on you?
ตอบ >> Break up with her.

Dearth of Dates — I wonder why I haven’t been able to date much…
ตอบ >> Do you have high standards?

Getting Out of Things — I can’t pretend I don’t understand Japanese anymore…
ตอบ >> You did that?

Worries — I wonder if I’ll ever be able to do that… I’m worried.
ตอบ >> I believe in you.

First Encounter — It’s nice to meet you. I’m Ayu.
ตอบ >> …Sounds good.

Valuable Work Skills — What’s important in your line of work?
ตอบ >> The ability to resist temptation.

Was It Cold Out? — You weren’t cold on your way here, were you?
ตอบ >> I’m freezing. Why don’t you warm me up?

What Are You Staring At? — Why are you staring at me?
ตอบ >> Your boobs are… really big.

My Skincare Routine — Do you have a skincare routine?
ตอบ >> Face mask after bathing, every night.

Dressing On Days Off — I try to relax by wearing comfier clothes…
ตอบ >> Like pants and flats?

Playing Sports — Do you play sports of anything?
ตอบ >> I go to the gym every day.

My Drinking Habits — How much do you usually drink?
ตอบ >> Like a fish.

Being — How should a club’s number one act?
ตอบ >> They should be a role model, a leader.

Customer Service — Have you dealt with customers before?
ตอบ >> I was a host for a bit.

Talkative Women — What do you think of talkative women?
ตอบ >> I love their energy.

Her Off Day Routine — What do you think I do on my days off?
ตอบ >> Exercise, I bet.

Regional Friends — Do you have a lot of friends from all over?
ตอบ >> You could say that.

Ice Breakers — What’s your go-to conversation starter?
ตอบ >> Something about the time of year, perhaps.

Chinese Food Therapy — Do you know what Chinese food therapy is?
ตอบ >> Yeah, it’s about treating problems your body might develop.

Coffrets — Have you heard of a coffret?
ตอบ >> Yeah, it’s a makeup thing, right?

Alluring Sights — What small, fleeting image gets you going?
ตอบ >> The nape of her neck when her hair is up.

Her Career — What career would be best for me?
ตอบ >> How about running a beauty salon?

Following Her Advice — Did you follow my little suggestion?
ตอบ >> Yep. I’m drinking water along with my alcohol.

Cheating — What do you consider cheating?
ตอบ >> Spending the night together.

Admiring Her — What are you looking at?
ตอบ >> Those sexy lips of yours.

Her Drinking Habits — How much do you think I usually drink?
ตอบ >> Two bottles of champagne, probably?

Dating Apps — How do you feel about fibbing on a dating profile?
ตอบ >> Any blatant lies should be avoided.

Pursuing Dreams — Pursuing my dreams is my top priority.
ตอบ >> You need a guy who’s the same way.

Favored Cosplay — What sort of cosplay do you like?
ตอบ >> A maid outfit, for sure.

More About Me — Tell me something about yourself.
ตอบ >> I don’t have anything good to talk about.

Her New Chapter — I started studying to get the license I need!
ตอบ >> Congratulations. Let’s raise a glass to you.

First Encounter — I’m Kaname. It’s a pleasure to meet you.
ตอบ >> No need to be so polite.

Personality — Do you think I’m unique?
ตอบ >> I think so.

Favorite Foods — I love seafood!
ตอบ >> What kind of chikuwa?

Sense of Direction — I have no sense of direction…
ตอบ >> Well, the train lines are complex.

Early Risers — I am not a morning person…
ตอบ >> I’m sleepy in the morning too.

Drink Preference? — What do you drink?
ตอบ >> Wine flows through my veins.

Karaoke? — I’m not a very good singer.
ตอบ >> Singing is all about feeling.

Maid Cafe — I used to work in a maid cafe.
ตอบ >> You seem like a natural.

With You… — Spending with you doesn’t feel like work.
ตอบ >> Really?

Modeling — I work as a model too.
ตอบ >> What does that involve?

Cake — I can eat a whole cake by myself!
ตอบ >> Actually, I’m the same.

Getting Drunk — I get all touchy with people when I’ve been drinking…
ตอบ >> You’re not touchy with me….

Arts Or Science? — You think I’m more creative or analytic?
ตอบ >> Analytical.

Hardship — Becoming a pinup idol is tough.
ตอบ >> You mean interacting with people on set?

The Opposite Sex — I never make the first move.
ตอบ >> Then I’ll make the moves.

Foodie Adventures — Sometimes I go on gourmet trips.
ตอบ >> You’re incredibly motivated.

Hungry? — I skipped meals today.
ตอบ >> You sound like a professional.

Do I Have a Chance? — Do you think I can make it as a pinup model?
ตอบ >> You have my support.

Missing You — I really missed you.
ตอบ >> Let’s make this another one to remember.

Cooking — If I had a boyfriend, I’d love to cook for him.
ตอบ >> Sounds delicious!

Pushover — When I like someone, I can’t refuse a request from them.
ตอบ >> Getting someone’s hopes up is worse.

A Hard Worker — I always see things through to the end!
ตอบ >> I get that impression from you.

Heart Pounding — What would you do to excite me?
ตอบ >> Give you a surprise present!

Cosplay Selfies — I’ve gone overboard with the cosplay selfies.
ตอบ >> What kind of poses do you do?

Date Destinations — Where would you take me on a date?
ตอบ >> A secluded, hole-in-the-wall spot.

Interests — I like to draw.
ตอบ >> Draw me.

Encourage Me — Can you put me at ease?
ตอบ >> Just be your usual self and you’ll do fine!

First Encounter — Hey there, I’m Kokoro!
ตอบ >> I’m sure I will.

Kids — Do you like kids?
ตอบ >> Kids are great!

Mahjong, Anyone? — Have you ever played Mahjong
ตอบ >> Heh, wanna try me?

Romantic Interests — What’s your type?
ตอบ >> You like gorilla-like men?

Physique — How did you get so fit?
ตอบ >> I fight thugs.

Makeup — I don’t usually wear makeup
ตอบ >> Looks like it’s doing your skin good.

Getting Drunk — I’m a chatterbox when I’m drunk…
ตอบ >> You look sexier when you’re drunk.

Marriage — Interested in marriage?
ตอบ >> I might consider one with you.

Biggest Accomplishment — What is your greatest accomplishment?
ตอบ >> It’s still to come.

Hobbies — I have so many interests.
ตอบ >> How do you find the time?

The Perfect Relationship — What’s the perfect relationship?
ตอบ >> You make a good point.

Yakuman on East One. — I dealt into a dealer yakuman in east one, and immediately zeroed out.
ตอบ >> I’ve done the opposite before.

Moving House — I think it might be time to move!
ตอบ >> I can help you make space where you’re at.

Your Dreams — What are your dreams?
ตอบ >> A trip around the world.

Age — How old are you?
ตอบ >> 51.

Opinion on Me? — What do you think of me?
ตอบ >> I’m not particularly interested.

Spice It Up! — Let’s kick things up a notch!
ตอบ >> Yeah! Let’s have a blast tonight!

Saving Up — I’m saving up for my dreams.
ตอบ >> Then I’ll be sure to ask for you every time!

I Need a Clone — I can’t help but wish there were two of me…
ตอบ >> I feel the same way sometimes.

Birthday Present — Any recommendations for a present?
ตอบ >> An accessory.

Domestic Bliss… — I wish I had a sweetheart husband waiting at home…
ตอบ >> With a delicious home-cooked meal ready?

Public Relations — How should I deal with people?
ตอบ >> Secretly record them.

Overwhelmed — Sometimes, work consumes my whole life.
ตอบ >> I’d like to support you if I can.

Gorilla — You remind me of a gorilla!
ตอบ >> I’m a long way off compared to a real gorilla.

Fun Together — Wanna have some fun?
ตอบ >> Let’s play some mahjong.

Feeling Tense — I haven’t had a massage in a while…
ตอบ >> I could do with one myself.

Frugality — Maybe I should give up on something.
ตอบ >> Don’t give up. Go for what you want!

First Encounter — How do you do? I’m Ai!
ตอบ >> Nice to meet you.

Phones — I always end up staring at my phone…
ตอบ >> I’m the same way.

Horror Movies — How are you with horror films?
ตอบ >> I’m not good with jump scares.

Spicy Food — How are you with spicy food?
ตอบ >> I love intense heat that leaves me sweating.

Moving Overseas — Should I move overseas too?
ตอบ >> If you do, I’ll join you.

Old Age — Do you ever think about old age?
ตอบ >> I’m still in my prime!

Alcohol Tolerance — I’m a lightweight drinker.
ตอบ >> I’ll drink in your stead.

Love and Stress — A stress-free romance is best.
ตอบ >> Overcoming stress together creates passion.

Special Someone — Can we take this to the next level?
ตอบ >> Sounds good to me.

Another Day Over — You must be tired.
ตอบ >> I feel right at home.

Cabaret Clubs — Do you visit cabaret clubs often?
ตอบ >> Yeah. I live it up every night.

Growing Up — I used to watch my brother play video games.
You and I should play together.

Quick Learner? — I can learn any dance right away.
ตอบ >> You must have good motor skills.

Lucky Underwear — I have my lucky underwear on right now.
ตอบ >> You can never have too much luck.

Personal Assets — They really show off my secret weapons.
ตอบ >> They’re pretty obvious.

First Impressions — First impressions are everything in love.
ตอบ >> That first meeting decides attraction.

Classical Music — Do you attend classical music events?
ตอบ >> I’d like to.

Fetish — I have this thing for jawlines.
ตอบ >> Can you be more specific?

Together — I can’t help but smile when I see you.
ตอบ >> Heh, same here.

Opposite Sex — Do you like to chase, or be chased?
ตอบ >> I go after them.

An Easy Job? — Some people think my job is easy.
ตอบ >> I know how hard you work.

A New Interest — I’ve gotten into arts lately.
ตอบ >> You didn’t have the awareness before.

Romantic Interests — I like independent men.
ตอบ >> Money is important.

Ideal Marriage — A weekend marriage would be nice.
ตอบ >> Space is important.

Retirement — When do you think I should retire?
ตอบ >> Once you meet the man of your dreams.

You’re So Dependable — I never worry when I’m with you.
ตอบ >> I can take care of all your worries.

Words from the Heart — There’s something I’m hoping to hear from you…
ตอบ >> You’re everything to me.




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